I do not accept them as clients.
I am not friends with them.
I will not spend my time with them.
It is TOXIC to remain in the same environment as those who point to all the bad that’s happened to them as the REASON WHY their present and future are doomed.
Now, we have ALL been victims of things we couldn’t control, myself included:
➡️ I was violently strangled into unconsciousness as fellow students watched—in the “safety” of my high school history class.
➡️ A surgery of mine got severely infected and required an emergency rework that set my body back 3 years.
➡️ My agency lost 15 YEARS of search engine ranking work in 1 week after being the victim of a viscous negative SEO attack.
A VICTIM would focus on these events and allow herself to be devastated by the outcomes.
On the other hand,
The people I choose to
associate with,
be friends with,
and work with
….all go through these experiences and ask…
“Alright, that happened.
Spotting victims
Victims give themselves (and their power) away with their words:
“The client DID THIS to me”
“My spouse always MAKES ME feel this way.”
“The supermarket checkout line MADE ME late.”
To victims, their problems are almost ALWAYS caused by external forces, other people, and forces outside their control.
And this lets them stay stuck, forever, in their world of complaints and “things that happen to them.” It’s exhausting and debilitating.
If you’re choosing to TOLERATE victims in your business or personal life, you’re voluntarily dragging around a leaden ball and chain as you strive toward your better future.
Not super effective, is it?
As we share with our #mindfix clients:
Upgrading your mind is great, but you need to CONTINUALLY prune and upgrade your ENVIRONMENT if you’re serious about leveling up.
When you're tired of getting in your own way, and you know you're capable of SO much more, it's time to talk to us.