Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

Recently I did something I’ve never done before.

I hiked.

For nearly 12 hours.

If you know me, you know I DON’T hike.

~10+ ankle surgeries and a walking pace slower than a snail’s usually deter me.

Yesterday though, I was invited to step outside my comfort zone, do ‘business outside’ with some unbelievably incredible humans, and keep hiking above Boulder beyond what I thought I could do.

I hiked nearly 7,000′ up and down, through blisters, through discomfort, through sadness, through knowing that most others in the experience easily finished HOURS ahead of me.

And during this experience…

  • I remembered how I can do things even when they’re not comfortable.
  • I remembered how the world feels right when you’re surrounded by the highest quality humans.
  • I remembered how I absolutely feel most at home when surrounded by brilliant people.

It was a long day.

I’m still processing the benefits of the experience.

And I can’t recommend the occasional pushing yourself outside of what’s normal and comfortable enough.

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